Q: As the parent, may I sit in on the lesson?

A: Yes, absolutely. In fact, I encourage it. But please refrain from commenting during your child's lesson.

Q: Is there something for my other children to do while their sibling(s) is/are receiving instruction?

A: Your other children may sit in the same room that I teach in, as long as they aren't too distracting. They are also welcome to climb my Maple Tree in the front yard.

Q:  We just got a brand new keyboard for Christmas! May we use this for practicing?

A: Yes, this is a great and inexpensive way to begin a great investment. The student will need to upgrade to something more advanced within a year.

Q: What is the KITS program?

A: KITS stands for Keynote Independent Theory Study. It is a curriculum with seven levels of theory. This KITS program increases student’s knowledge of theory, ear training, and sight reading. Every year there are annual theory exams. Students who receive high scores will be placed on the national theory honor roll. These books are now available on Amazon costing ~$5.50. 

Q: Do you purchase the books for my child?

A: This is something that the student is responsible for. I will give you the information needed to order the books.

Q: Can we meet you before I enroll my child in lessons?

A: I would love to schedule a trial lesson with your child at a small fee. 

Q: My life is so hectic, can you travel to our home for lessons?

A: Unfortunately, I am no longer traveling to students to teach. I apologize for the inconvenience. 

Q: I have two or more kids who need to be scheduled back to back. Is that possible?

A: I will do my very best to accommodate your scheduling needs. However, I have a very full schedule, and sometimes it is nearly impossible to please all of the students. 

Q: What does AMTA and DEMTA stand for?

A: AMTA: Aurora Musica Teachers Association, DEMTA: Douglas-Elbert Music Teachers Association. Each of these organizations sponsor their own events which I am able to enroll my students in. 

Q: Do you offer any sibling discounts?

A: No sibling discounts are offered. However, if you recruit a student for me to teach you will receive a discount on your upcoming invoice.

Last Updated: Oct 13th, 2017